Saturday 12 July 2014

.to know Him.

there’s a lot of big things i’ve learned here the past few months.
but this one might be one of the biggest.

and it’s been thoughts and feelings so near and dear to my heart,
i’m not quite sure how to articulate it.
but i felt impressed to share it,
so i’ll try.

here goes something.

have you ever had something you've heard your entire life,
but it took awhile until it actually clicked and you finally understood it?

today was one of those days.

the Atonement is so multi-faceted, 
it's something i'll always be trying to understand for probably the rest of my life...
but today i realized that Christ wouldn't be who He is without us, 
and we wouldn't be who we are without Him.

we're made up of moments and experiences. 
to be without one of those moments, or one of those experiences,
would mean for us to be a different person.

but we are who we are because of the moments and experiences we have. 
and Jesus Christ knows exactly who each of us is,
and who we each have the potential to become,
all because of His atoning sacrifice -
to personally suffer, empathize, and aid us
through each of our moments and experiences that make up who we are.

that being said, Christ has come to know each of us...

but how do we come to know Christ?

being here in the holy land has definitely offered a lot of perspective
and factual knowledge in that regard.
i've read the scriptures, multiple talks, books, and articles on the Savior and His life.
i've learned about His character and how he responded in various situations, 
how His ultimate goal was to bring glory to the Father...
i've seen bethlehem where He was born, 
walked on the steps he took to the temple, 
seen multiple places where he may or may not have ascended into Heaven... 
all fun facts, right?

but i've learned that even though all these things were helpful in gaining a more rooted, 
clear knowledge and testimony of the Savior,
it wasn’t so much the content of the experiences
but rather why we have the experiences we do.

i believe we're given the individual experiences, opportunities, 
situations, trials, and circumstances for many reasons,
but ultimately because it helps us come to know Jesus Christ.

because, in essence,
they are the very things that make up who He is as well.

because the experiences and moments in my life and your life,
make up experiences and moments in Christ's life.

there's all these overarching principles in the universe of love, fear, addiction, death, joy... 
and two people can learn one of these principles very different ways.
but Christ understands each of those perspectives perfectly 
because He's got every experience and every moment of everyone on His shoulders, 
to help aid, comfort, and guide us what we individually go through.

His understanding would be incomplete without you or i.

for instance, maybe from one of our individual life experiences,
we taught the Savior something about love as He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane.
not only did that contribute to His understanding of the principle,
but also it would be very different, less personal, and less meaningful
to have a Savior try and empathize through someone's else's perspective on love,
regardless of how similar the experience might have been.

the Atonement is meaningful because Jesus Christ 
exactly knows and perfectly understands
you and i.

and every person we meet and come to understand
as we exercise the pure love of Christ,
is another piece to the puzzle.

as we take our own experiences and come to know others,
we come to know Christ
because His understanding is in each of us.

thinking about this made me realize 
the worth that each of us has as well - 
that Christ needs us just as much as we need Him.

i don't think Christ would have gone through what He had 
if He didn't perfectly understand that worth.
and by knowing how much He loves us,
should reflect in how much we should also value each other.

long thoughts short:
we're all made up of moments and experiences.
we share those moments and experiences with Christ.
He perfectly knows us individually,
and we come to know Him.

as we strive to develop charity,
we take hold of His perfect understanding,
and come to know and love others
which furthers our knowledge of the Savior.

He needs us, and we need Him.
He died for us because He understood our worth,
and everything in our lives revolves around coming to understand
His worth in ours.

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