Sunday 29 June 2014


i remember before coming to israel,
wondering what this experience would be like.

the city,
the byu center,
what the group would be like,
if i would make any friends,
if i needed to go to the bathroom and no one spoke english to direct me to the WC…
all very valid wonderings.

before leaving for the summer,
i went to bid farewell to chloe.
beautiful, hilarious, bestest childhood friend
and well-experienced world traveler, chloe.

i expressed my wonderings to this dear chum,
and i’ll never forget what she said.

“liza, you’re going to be in such a unique experience with these people. you’ll eat together, study together, play together. there’s nothing more bonding than when you’re hiking around so hot and sweaty… you don’t have to feel insecure because everyone is going through the same experiences together. 

traveling makes you r a w – you’re thrown in a completely foreign place, and it shows you what your insecurities and strengths are and how that makes who you are and what you want to become. don’t worry too much… by the very nature of the experience, you can’t be anything but yourself.”

a few weeks ago we went hiking at a place called, ein gedi.
twas a beautiful hike,
but man, was it hot as hades.
we’d get drenched from head to toe
in every pool and waterfall we passed.
and walking around wet and gritty,
with stretched out clothes,
scraggly hair,
smudged makeup,
laughing, sweating, and splashing around
with the best of friends…
those words came back to me 
like a familiar whisper.

this is it.
totally, completely, and utterly

R A W.

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