Wednesday 2 April 2014

.never surrender.

you never know what gems you’ll find cleaning a wise lady’s humble abode.
Tonight while out running, I realized that there is a big difference between surviving and actually living. You can survive on Mac & Cheese, little to no exercise, and little to no work, but you have not actually lived. At the same time, you may possess very little, have a small income, but be a very hard worker, and carer for your temple. If you are this kind of a person, you have lived (you can also be a wealthy person but only be a survivor). Whatever the case, let's say you work at the ice cream parlor. You may get up everyday and not feel like going to work. You hate scooping ice cream for a living and you wish you had another job, and you don't think you have many other options. I've been there... When you get up every day you can pretty much not count on feeling like going to school, or working, or exercising but you had better do it. Never surrender to that voice that says it’s going to be boring, it's not worth it. NEVER SURRENDER. I think we all know whose voice that is. 

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