Tuesday 17 September 2013

.grateful day.

today is a grateful day.
i'm grateful for retrospect.
i’m grateful things haven’t worked out according to plan this year.
i’m grateful dreams i didn’t even know i had came true.
i'm grateful for the "never would i have ever thought..." moments.
i’m grateful to work for the rad-est of rad recording artists.
(seriously, if you haven’t heard her stuff, click here
and you can have a grateful day too. you’re welcome)
i’m grateful for her music and the example of her gracious life.
i’m grateful to play with her cute little boy.
i’m grateful when he pretends to shoot me
and then says ‘good morning’ to bring me back to life.
i’m grateful that he’s only two and knows what a weed whacker is.
i’m grateful he calls to play saying ‘com’ere you lil stinker.’
i’m grateful for a roommate who sees the beauty in everything
because she is and blesses with beauty everywhere she goes.
i’m grateful she likes to eat beet salads with me.
i’m grateful for our PT.
i’m grateful for her chauffer services.
i'm grateful she is da PA of da PA.
i’m grateful for an understanding family.
i’m grateful to be exhausted on the 45 minute stretch of concrete
because at least i have a car.
i’m grateful for letters.
i’m grateful to get 2% on a quiz in a program
i didn’t think i could get into.
i’m grateful and excited i have so much to learn.
i’m grateful for new friends you meet
and you wonder how you ever lived without them before.
i’m grateful to live without loved ones each day
because every day after i get to love them a little bit more. 

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