Monday 30 September 2013

.cheer on.

one of my absolutely most favoritest tv shows is “the voice
not only are contestants chosen based off the pure talent of their pipes
instead of their “image” as an artist,
but there is just something so magical to watch beyond just the performances.
last week, i caught myself with goosebumps while watching miss holly henry.
( proceed to watch the musical magic below please and thank you ⇣ )
sheesh… needless to say, that voice of an angel has been on replay the past week.
but did you see her cute brother crying?
did you feel the urge to fist pump in the air when blake hit his button after 5 seconds?
did your fist pump turn into jumping up and down like a hooligan
when ceelo and adam finally turned around as she hit those high notes?
were you biting your nails just waiting for christina to come to her senses?
and then when she did, were you filled with sweet and utter euphoric joy that all 4
coaches would be honored to have her grace their team?
did i mention her cute brother crying?
goodness gracious heavens to betsy.
those 5 minutes always send me on an emotional roller coaster.
but why? i mean, like i said, the performance was amazing
but i think there’s more to it than that.
there’s power
there’s chills
there’s love
there’s support
there’s altruism
there’s spirituality
in being the cheerleader.
it’s inspiring to see others and want with every fiber of your being
for them to be successful.
to do their very best and beyond.
i think part of the magic of that show
is that we each get to be the cheerleader too.
we’re right up there with the family and coaches crossing our fingers
jumping up and down, and mentally wishing they’ll hit all the right notes.
and when they do? we keep cheering even louder.
oh, how i wish i could always cheer for others
like that sweet little boy cheers for his sister.
i think everyone needs a cheerleader.
a high-five after every test.
a treat after a long day.
a trophy for exercising off the treat. (heh)
a note letting someone know they are more than they think.
a standing ovation for every soul who keeps goin when the goin gets tough.
i hope one day i can have sore hands from high-fives and clapping
a tired voice from hip hip hooray-ing
be broke from buying treats and trophies
and have arthritis from writing bajillions of notes.
truly, three cheers and a toast to you, my friends.
ra ra ra.
go get your pom poms, people.

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