Friday 9 August 2013

.unknown certainty.

i've come to find that most of my inspirational thoughts tend to rhyme.
whether that's a habit picked up from songwriting or having too many dr. suess book sightings (sorry... that was stretching it), i couldn't quite tell you. but one fine day, i was with my friend john attempting to come up with some lyrics.
in the song we were working on, he wanted to tell the tale about an adventurer who was trying to convince his friend that although there's a lot of "what ifs" about the future that may prevent us from trying new things, there's also hope that comes with taking risks.
before long, a stroke of higher lyrical power seized upon me and the inspirational rhyming flowed forth:

"a better possibility
  lies in unknown certainty"

it was one of those things my mouth said before my brain fully wrapped around it. 

unknown certainty... hmm... going forward into the dark... but expecting to eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel. jumping off a cliff... hoping there's something to catch you. never knowing what's ahead... except that it all works out.

in so many words... i think it's called faith.

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