Saturday 25 January 2014

.little did i know.

“what have you been up to lately?”
“oh, you know. school and work. livin’ the dream.”

or the typical:
“what’s your favorite _______?”
“um… uh… hm… maybe chocolate?”

these seem to be the responses i at least give to people 97% of the time.
but, ya know, they're not entirely true either.

i’m mostly writing this post for the sake of remembering.
remembering that despite how much school and work
seem to take up my existence,
or how ho hum my answers tend to be when put on the spot,
there are some pretty cool things that have happened
and neat stuff i’ve learned about myself all along the way.

and especially in the present crusty crust of winter
in the tundra of uneventful-ness, 
i need to remember to be grateful for them all.

so here’s to 2013.
i don’t know if being born on friday the 13th
had any correlation with the culmination of thirteen related karma,
but, oh man.
what a blessed year it was.
what a pleasantly surprising year it was.
what an incredibly lucky year it was.

so, here it is.
the discoveries, knowledge, experiences, dreams, and realizations of
eliza ann smith.
in 2013.

and to be completely honest, most of them were about food.
little did i know i loved:
cubbys chicken sandwich.
mountain west burrito.
green smoothies.
salted caramel.
butterscotch shakes.
kettle corn.
swig sugar cookies.
sweet tooth fairy iced oatmeal cookies.
oatmeal in general.
cocoa beans better-than-whatever cupcakes.
(i'm not avoiding a certain word, people.
that’s really what they’re called, i promise)
mini m&ms (sooo much better than regular sized ones).
cow tales.
vanilla tootsie rolls.
salad (gotta have a balanced diet when the rest is 80% dia-beet-uhs).

other new loves (non-food related):
poppies and zinnias.
ted talks.
collecting wall art and making collages.
sitting and reading in barnes and noble all afternoon.
learning about near-death experiences.
arcade games. 
pentel r.s.v.p. pens.
finding hidden gems of music on spotify.
sunday naps (it is literally the day of rest).
grapefruit scented things.
sticky notes.

dreams that came true:
commercial music major.
being an efy counselor.
mindy gledhill.
jeep cherokee.
iPhone (what a blessed contraption).
nikon d7100 (still need to figure out to actually use it).
got an email to audition for one of my favorite t.v. shows.
met music publishers from nashville.
played a show at the velour.
went to a justin bieber concert.

new experiences/knowledge:
traveled out of the US of A for the first time.
sheep have tails.
the geologic term for the point of the mountain on I-215 is called the ‘spit.’
indexed over 1,000 names.
fixed multiple plumbing problems with the trusty aid of google and youtube.
wrote my first christmas song.
worked for my first and last time at chacha.
went on six dates in a week (also for the first and last time).
made thai food at midnight.
experiences are meaningful because of the people you’re with.
being specific in prayer makes all the difference.
anyone can get along with anyone.
it’s not what you’ve done, it’s who you’ve become.
i’m not in command but i’m in good hands.

things i learned about myself:
i’m a horrible texter-backer.
i may never be punctual in this life.
i yet to have a good experience with group projects.
i love to dance.
(efy and zumba bring out the best moves).
i think my favorite term of endearment is ‘darling.’
i love learning songs in different languages.
(‘dices’ by selena gomez ees muy bueno).
a good horse movie still makes me cry.
i’m all about the quality over quantity of people in my life.
i can’t sleep with socks.

and that’s just to name a few.

between crossing off a good chunk of my bucket list,
having dreams fulfilled i didn’t know i had,
or making new friends that taught me more about
life and myself that i wouldn’t have learned otherwise on my own…
2013 was kind to me.

cool things happen.
to you.
to me.
probably more than we realize too.
it’s just a matter of remembering
and being consciously grateful for them
when life throws you in the doldrums
of school, work, and crusty crust winter.

let’s see whatcha got 2014.

1 comment:

  1. I learned that age difference doesn't matter in real friendships! . . . Love you Liza!
